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Connecting Emotional Intelligence with PR
Good public relations and emotions are heartfully linked.
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 by Sara Fletcher

Sara FletcherNowadays, public relations professionals require a wide range of qualities in order to succeed, ranging from communication, listening to writing skills.

In addition to these skills, the best PR professionals also have a variety of personality traits, such as confidence, creativity, and a level of openness. However, many professionals have a single trait in common – emotional intelligence. This quality can be the defining point between good and great professionals, as it determines the individual’s ability to emotionally connect with others.

Connecting Emotional Intelligence and Public Relations

Emotional intelligence is the individual’s ability to manage behavior, navigate social networks, and make decisions that are not ruled by rampant emotions. This quality is important, not only because of it provides you with a variety of skills, but because it also helps you stand out among your competitors. Regardless of whether you’re a new PR intern or a seasoned professional, it is vital to display your emotional intelligence wherever you can. The following are distinct characteristics that fall under the umbrella of emotional intelligence and provide any individual with the tools for success:

1. Self Awareness
Self awareness is the individual’s ability to perceive emotions and stay aware of them as they happen. As a public relations professional, you are often the voice and face, speaking on behalf of the company. Therefore, it would not bode well if you lost your temper, as it would reflect poorly on both the company and yourself. Keeping emotions in check will help professionals maintain their cool and better serve as a representative and spokesperson.

2. Self Management
Simply understanding your emotions is not enough – you’ll also need to be able to manage those emotions and adapt to any situation. A display of rage and other emotions causes a range of negative effects on both the individual and the company, ranging from failed campaigns to major PR disasters. As a result, it is vital that PR managers understand when their emotions are useful and when to keep them under wraps.

3. Social Awareness
Emotional intelligence is more than just being able to perceive emotions – it also determines the individual’s actions with regards to those emotions. Social awareness is the ability to pick up on the emotions of others, being able to sympathize and effectively connect with them. As a public relations professional, this skill is vital – it can help you better understand your audience and get a feel of what best evokes an emotional response from them.

4. Relationship Management
Finally, the last skill under the broad category of emotional intelligence is relationship management. This determines your ability to effectively use your awareness to manage and navigate interactions with success. Public relations professionals handle a variety of parties on a daily basis, ranging from clients, coworkers, media groups and others. In order to navigate the constantly changing environment of public relations and handle relationships in the same time, it is vital for PR individuals to possess a high degree of emotional intelligence.

Sara Fletcher is a writer at TalentSmart emotional intelligence and
is interested in listening to motivational speakers in leadership.

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