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How to Get a Job in Public Relations
Your early steps in a changing PR industry matter most.
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 by Carlo Pandian

Carlo PandianThe PR industry has changed considerably
over the years and public relations companies are using a number of mediums to promote the services of their client base.

This can include internet and field promotions, and those who seek to gain a role in the industry will need to have a wide range of interpersonal skills. The remit of public relations companies can encompass anything from writing press releases for business launches to sending product samples to appropriate organisations.

PR agencies are the first port of call for many journalists who are looking for a news story and agencies normally deal with media relations on a company’s behalf.

Here are a few tips on how you can land your perfect role in the competitive field of public relations.

Hone Your Skills

Although you don’t need to take up a particular degree to get into the PR industry, you will need to have essential qualities that will help you fulfill a role in PR to your best ability. As well as having the ability to contribute creative ideas to your agency you also need to be able to have excellent copywriting skills.

Being able to effectively communicate with clients at every level is critical to project a professional image for the company you are working for. Degrees in PR, Communications and Media may help you develop these skills but they are by no means an essential requirement of securing a job in PR.

Make Your Application Stand Out

Your CV is your most important tool in securing a job in PR. A concise CV that gives an overview of relevant skills and is matched to a job’s person specification will stand you in greater stead of getting a job in PR. Although employers may look at social media profiles on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, your CV will be the one item that will determine whether you get an interview.

Your covering letter should also convey elements of your personality and describe your motivations for applying for that particular role in detail.

Your unique selling points will set you apart from the hundreds of other applicants that may be applying for the same role, so make sure they are fully conveyed in your application.

Get Relevant Experience

Most roles in the media industry require some degree of previous experience and an internship is the perfect way to gain experience in the industry. When applying for a placement, target the PR sector that you would most like a full-time role in - whether that’s food and drink or film and radio. Treat you internship as if it were a permanent position and do your utmost to impress bosses by being proactive, showing them you can think on your feet.

Speak to friends and other contacts to see if they know anyone who works in the industry and send your CV on spec to enquire about potential internships. You may also be able to apply for junior or entry level roles in the industry as soon as you have graduated and having internships on your application should also serve to strengthen your application.

Carlo Pandian lives in London and writes about PR jobs, recruitment
and career. When he’s not online or cycling around town you can’t
get him out of the kitchen for his love of food.

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